Tag: soda

Healthy Summer Smile

3 Tips for Healthy Summer Smiles | Recommendations From A Dentist Near Me

3 Tips for Healthy Summer Smiles Summer sun brings summer fun. While warm months are perfect for spending time together, summer vacation can also throw off your usual dental routine. Here are three ways to maintain a healthy summer smile: Stay on a routine Whether your kids are staying up to catch fireflies or watch…
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Dental Health

Is Soda Bad for Your Teeth??? | Advice From A Family Dentist Practitioner

We’ve all heard soda is bad for your teeth and dental health. But how bad is it really? Does it matter how often you drink it? Isn’t diet soda better? Yes, it is bad. Yes, it does matter how often. Diet is usually not better and may be worse than regular sodas. First, let me…
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